Organic Nitrogen and Potassium for Plants
Carbon-complexed with Micro Carbon Technology®, Fertilgold® NK is an organic nitrogen and potassium product derived from soy protein hydrolysate and potassium sulfate (N 3.0%, K2O 4.0%, S 1.0%, with 19% organic matter). Fertilgold® NK provides excellent foliar and soil nutrition and can be foliar-applied according to label directions without risk of phytotoxicity. This nitrogen-potassium combination provides crops with a phosphorus-free nutrient boost. The potassium promotes internal cellular strength for fruit development and maturity while helping to regulate the movement of water and nutrients within the plant. The nitrogen enhances cellular respiration that promotes a more productive crop.
- Provides quick nitrogen and potassium crop response
- Can be applied foliarly without risk of phytotoxicity
- Resists tie-up in the soil
- Resists nitrogen leaching and volatilization
- Can be effectively tank-mixed with other crop inputs